We may not have known the victims, but we are nevertheless touched by their deaths. How do we mourn for those we did not know? What can we do and how do we express our grief?
- It may be helpful to seek comfort in your community. Attend a religious service or a nondenominational program to remember the deceased.
- Light a memorial candle that will burn for 24-hours to remember the lives lost. Verbalize your feelings and thoughts as you light the candle and reflect on those words as you pass the flickering light over the next day.
- Meet with friends, neighbors, and others in the community to articulate your feelings and ask how they are processing their grief.
- Find outlets where you can participate in strengthening diversity and bonds in your community.
- Give of your time to worthy causes that help members in your community. Volunteer at a food bank, the animal shelter, or the library.
- Feed the hungry, collect small toiletries or games for a shelter, take a garbage bag and pick up trash in your neighborhood, or solicit neighbors to collect food items for a local food bank.
- Donate in memory of the deceased. There are so many worthy organizations that help the under-served or choose an organization within the community that has experienced violence.
Photo: This little light of mine via photopin (license)
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